ACMV System Maintenance

12 April, 2023

A – What is the ACMV system?

ACMV systems or Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Systems use different technologies to control temperature, humidity and air quality in enclosed spaces. Its goal is to provide a comfortable temperature and acceptable indoor air quality.

ACMV is a complex system consisting of many components: Ventilation fan, Air conditioning system,… and with many different auxiliary components (such as: pump, duct system, water cooling system, …)

Hệ thống ACMV điển hình

B – Why Do We Need ACMV System Maintenance?

Lí do vì sao Chúng ta phải bảo trì hệ thống ACMV

Contact us by phone: (+84) 866 573 088 for detailed advice on the service.


Head Office

Room 102, Phu Ma Duong Building,
No. 85 Hoang Van Thai, Tan Phu Ward,
District 7, HCMC
(+84) 866 573 088

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